Recap: ChainWars X KingData AMA/Airdrop/Quiz

KingData ·2022-04-11

On April 4th, 2022 12PM UTC (8PM UTC+8), we had an AMA session with ChainWars, in our Telegram chat at Our guest was Jordi Murset, CEO / Jan Hendriks, Content Manager

Here are the essential points of the AMA session:


Host[Phillip]:First of all, please introduce yourself to us. How and when did you start? Describe your roles in ChainWars?

Guest[Peter K]: We are a team of ambitious entrepreneurs who share a common interest (understatement) in crypto. Our professional backgrounds differ a lot. We utilize this as best as we can in ChainWars.

We started in June 2021. When the concepts of P2E, the decentralization of a game and its economy and metaverse hit us, we were instantly interested. We started to orient ourselves in the existing projects that tried to implement these concepts. Then, we started to do research after their strengths and weaknesses and thus we formed the humble beginnings of our project.

Main Part

Q1:Would you mind telling me what were the initial thoughts behind the project?

A1: Everyone in our core team has an affinity with gaming. When the concept of P2E was brought to our attention, we were immediately interested. We can best define our motivation by sharing our vision and mission:

We value the decentral identity of crypto. We don't see why people should, in most cases without realizing, relinquish the largest part of the essential monetary worth of possessions. We believe that involvement of the entire community is fundamental for maintaining an ecosystem.

By gradually decentralizing ChainWars, we give freedom and ownership of the project to the community in a responsible way. We will set boundaries when they are needed, with the greater goal of building a healthy ecosystem within an enjoyable, innovative and ever-evolving metaverse.

Q2:What is the current development progress of ChainWars?

A2: We are near the release of the beta version of ChainWars’ core gamemode: The tradable card game itself. The success of this target is our highest priority as this includes the blockchain connection, giving NFTs their rather unique use case.

Q3:What about the tokenomics of Chainwars, would you mind to share some details about it?

A3: According to our analysis, a common nemesis for similar projects is a lack of utility. ChainWars counters this issue by providing $CWE with lots of use cases. These use cases consist of all our supportive products and services, such as NFTs, Governance & Tier System, Tournaments and in prospect, an entirely new gamemode called Land.

Our tokenomics are rewarding for long-term holders and investors of both time and funds. Infinite Loop Protocol makes sure that shares of all transactions on our platform are to be sent towards reward pools within our Treasury, to eventually be given back to the community. This remains a low token supply, positively influencing the price.

Q4:Please tell us, what part do NFTs play within your project? And how are they unique?

A4: ChainWars NFTs distinguish themselves by being more than just NFTs, as they are usable in ChainWars' tradable card game! This secures a long-term use case, a key factor that cosmetic NFTs lack. The value of NFTs will most likely be affected by the rarity of the NFT, but also the success of the game. Rarities will differ in two aspects: Card background and Card border. For each, there are four gradations: Basic/Gold/Diamond/Rainbow and Common/Rare/Epic/Legendary in respective orders. Despite the fact alone that rarity provides

Q5:How is the digital collectible card game different from others?

A5: Just like we compared the strengths & weaknesses of our more direct GameFi competition, we did the same thing with comparable games (other DCCG’s). We try to give a unique twist to our game by combining some existing components and also adding our own twist. That translates to unique gamebalance, effects, UI and visuals. Visually, the game is completely unique thanks to the amazing designs contributed by our artists.

Live Session

Q1:DiggerWacks:Do you allow suggestions and feedback from the community?  Are we allowed in decision making, do you put community into consideration?

A1: We highly value the participation of our community, so yes we do! For now, this is limited to consultation in our main TG and on other platforms, but in the future we will release a fully structured Governance system. This allows people to vote on all topics related to the project. Depending on CWE holdings, users receive a certain amount of votepower for this.

Q2: L.Jo:Are you planning to promote your project in countries / regions where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project?

A2: We have a few communities in other countries (each with an official ChainWars TG), but we wish to expand this in the near future.

Q3: MAY MẮN HÃY TÌM TÔI:Truly, you've done AMA in many telegram groups, so what next, what other way will you make your project more popular?

A3: Besides attending AMA's, setting fundamental partnerships and having a firm community, ChainWars is blessed with impressive visuals created by our team of artists. These visuals, combined with the lore they carry, are great for spreading the word about ChainWars and therefore play a big part in our marketing strategies.

Q4: E B $TSR:How much does it cost to play any game on the Game platform? Can we experience Game for free?

A4: The requirements for playing the game is holding a tier: a humble holding of 1 CWE (to obtain Tier 1) and a complete deck of cards which consist of 30 minions and 1 hero. Before the NFT sales, everyone can play for free by applying for AlphaTeam and downloading the latest game build via our ChainWars Discord group. Links to be provided in a second.

Q5: Leona:Since Chain Wars divides users into tiers, could you tell us what it takes to rank up? Is it necessary to always invest in$CWEtokens or are there other ways to level up? What benefits could a user with gameplay skills have that starts from rank 1?

A5: At the moment, increasing your CWE holdings is the only way to rank up in Tiers. That doesn't take away the fact that highly skilled players in a lower Tier are eligible for competing for  f.e. the Season Prize and other events.

Quick Quiz Part

Q1: What’s the name of ChainWars’ native token?


Q2: On Twitter, what’s the topic of our latest Tweet?

A2: About website update

Q3: Name two of the use cases of $CWE.

A3: Governance / nft/ tier system / land

Q4: What type of game is ChainWars?

A4: Digital Collectible Card Game (DCCG)

Q5: Name the two aspects that determine the rarity for a game card (NFT).

A5: Card background and Card border

Airdrop Winners List


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