
过去 1 天, 4 个项目累计完成 $43.5M 融资: 项目名称: Mountain Protocol,融资: $8M, 轮次: Series A 项目类别: Stablecoin 相关链接: https://x.com/TheBlock__/status/1798731384556499222 领投机构: Multicoin Capital 跟投机构: Castle Island Ventures,Coinbase Ventures,Bankless Ventures,Department of XYZ,Wormhole Crosschain Ecosystem Fund 项目介绍: Issuer of USDM, a yield-bearing stablecoin backed entirely by U.S. Treasuries. 项目名称: Glacier Network,融资: $8M, 轮次: Angel & Seed 项目类别: Infrastructure 相关链接: https://x.com/Glacier_Labs/status/1798703388529664242 跟投机构: UOB Venture Management,Laser Digital,Foresight X,KuCoin Ventures,Signum Capital,Cogitent Ventures,Gate Labs,Candaq Fintech Group,Open Digital Infrastructure Group,Mask Network,Dewhales Capital,Polkastarter,Founder Heads,Contribution Capital,Aza Ventures,Dutch Crypto Investors 项目介绍: programmable, modular and scalable blockchain infrastructure for storing, indexing and querying data, supercharging AI at scale 项目名称: Xociety,融资: $7.5M, 轮次: pre-Series A 项目类别: Gaming 相关链接: https://x.com/xocietyofficial/status/1798708659884863810 跟投机构: Hashed,Sui Foundation,The Spartan Group,Neoclassic,Big Brain Holdings,Krafton,Arena-Z,Emirates Consortium,Mozaik Capital,Taisu Ventures,Green Whale Ventures,a41 Ventures,YGG Fund,Avocado DAO,LiquidX,Good Games Guild,Christian Manea 项目介绍: AAA POP Shooter with RPG progression built on Sui 项目名称: The Sandbox,融资: $20M, 轮次: Strategic 项目类别: Gaming 相关链接: https://www.animocabrands.com/the-sandbox-announces-usd20m-funding-at-usd1b-valuation-cap 领投机构: Kingsway Capital,Animoca Brands 跟投机构: LG Tech Ventures ,True Global Ventures 项目介绍: The Sandbox is a virtual gaming world where you can build, own, and monetize your gaming experiences

