Latest News About Ronin Bridge Hacks

Apr 19,2022
Ronin Hackers Transferred 10k ETH to New Address KingData News: On April 19th, according to Etherscan monitoring, Ronin Network hackers transferred 18,256.81 ETH to the following new address: (0xa0e1c89ef1a489c9c7de96311ed5ce5d32c20e4b).
On March 29, the Ronin bridge and Katana Dex have been halted after suffering an exploit for 173,600 Ethereum (ETH) and 25.5 million USD Coin (USDC), worth a combined $612 million, which is the highest loss in the history of DeFi. This indicator trackes the latest news of Ronin bridge hacks for the first time.

