Bankruptcy Project Alert

Apr 26,2022
Jump Satoshi Token is at High Risk KingData News: Chain Security technical team found that there is a backdoor in the Jump Satoshi Token project, and the project owner can change the code to implement the address through the Approve function in the contract.The project team has a permission address of 0x23A15A374B0f5f20625B7D53666dF1Fe82b2916f and has changed the implementation address to 0x7d62b05bdf8fa07d8b3b8b9f315371aa91098f58. There are currently 3681586 WBNB-JST transactions in the pool WBNB and is in high risk status. Users are requested to withdraw their assets in time to avoid theft of assets by the project parties.
This indicator tracks abnormal data items in real time and broadcasts project failure warnings.

