Latest News About Ronin Bridge Hacks

Apr 27,2022
Ronin Releases Investigation Report on "$620 Million Stolen", All User Funds to be Secured by Recent Financing KingData News: Axie Infinity sidechain Ronin released an after-action investigation report on the previous "$620 million stolen" security breach and said the Ronin Network bridge is currently being redesigned and is expected to reopen in mid/late May. All user funds in the bridge are guaranteed by the recent Sky Mavis funding round, Axie Infinity and Sky Mavis balance sheet assets, and personal funds from the core team.
On March 29, the Ronin bridge and Katana Dex have been halted after suffering an exploit for 173,600 Ethereum (ETH) and 25.5 million USD Coin (USDC), worth a combined $612 million, which is the highest loss in the history of DeFi. This indicator trackes the latest news of Ronin bridge hacks for the first time.

