Latest Progress about ETH 2.0

May 20,2022
Vitalik: Will Long-Term Boost Ether Block Capacity to 16MB, Will Support Rollup to Reach 80,000 TPS KingData News: Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, said at the ETH Shanghai conference held on May 20, 2022 that the team has proposed an expansion plan called "Danksharding", which will expand the block capacity of Ether to 80,000 TPS in the long term, and eventually Rollup will be able to reach 80,000 TPS/second. The first step will be to complete Proto-danksharding, which supports 1MB of block capacity and 5000 TPS.
This indicator broadcasts the latest progress of ETH 2.0 and the data changes of ETH 2.0 pledge amount in time.

