Sources: Nomad Bridge Getting Actively Hacked

Aug 02,2022
KingData News: According to a tweet from @0xfoobar, "Nomad bridge getting actively hacked. WETH and WBTC being taken out in million-dollar increments. Withdraw all funds if you can, still $126m remaining in the contract that's likely at risk. Recent transaction just grabbed 10,000 ETH ($16 million) in one go. The Nomad bridge holds $80 million USDC and it's all flowing out too". Officials now say they have identified the problem and are actively studying it.
On August 2, crypto KOL 0xfoobar posted that the cross-chain solution Nomad had been hacked, and that WETH and WBTC were being transferred out at a rate of millions of dollars each, leaving $126 million in the contract potentially at risk.

