Coin Center: U.S. Treasury Sanctions Tornado Cash for Possible Violations of Due Process and Constitutional Rights

Aug 16,2022
KingData News: The Coin Center, a crypto research center, has published a blog post stating that the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctions against Tornado Cash may be procedurally and legally flawed. "We believe OFAC exceeded its legal authority by adding certain Tornado Cash smart contract addresses to the SDN list, an action that may violate due process and constitutional rights," said the Coin Center. The Coin Center believes that smart contracts cannot be sanctionable entities and that such a standard is dangerous for coders around the world. Coin Center says it will seek to engage OFAC to do its best to help Tornado Cash's innocent banned addresses withdraw their funds and to explore with lawyers the legal basis for Tornado Cash's ban.
Recently, the U.S. Treasury Department placed Tornado Cash on its sanctions list, which prohibits U.S. citizens from using. This indicator provides market updates on Tornado Cash sanctions.

