Featured Analysis Viewpoints from KOL

Jan 28,2023
Phyrex: The volume of USDC is more in the main trading time zone of the US. The BUSD data also clearly shows that the timing of the USDC and the USDC are highly overlapping in the main trading time zone of the United States, and compared to the USDT and USDC, the BUSD has almost no signs of retail transfers, they are all single massive transfers, which is why it is believed that the BUSD is still more of a giant whale or a big investor, the retail investors actually have their chips basically placed in the exchange. https://t.co/8RE3pljGrN
There are excellent KOLs in every subdivision of Web3, and this indicator focuses on the analysis viewpoints of these KOLs. (Opinions are all from KOL, no investment advice)

