Featured Analysis Viewpoints from KOL

Mar 29,2023
Phyrex: Compared with USDT, USDC's market value continues to decline, and its holdings have been reduced by $120 million in the last 24 hours. Even without considering the impairment of BUSD, the reduction of USDC alone has more than doubled the increase of USDT's market value. BUSD also saw an impairment of nearly $110 million in the last 24 hours, and it is clear that there was a net outflow of more than $170 million from the floor, compared to $300 million yesterday. https://t.co/ROrGAOUsHt
There are excellent KOLs in every subdivision of Web3, and this indicator focuses on the analysis viewpoints of these KOLs. (Opinions are all from KOL, no investment advice)

