Quality Project Financing Tracking

Nov 08,2023
in the past 1 day, 3 projects have completed a total of $11.0M financing: ProjectName: Pimlico , funding: $4.2M, round: Seed Category: Infrastructure RelatedLinks: https://x.com/pimlicoHQ/status/1721890681185321018 LeadInvestors: a16z Introduction: infrastructure layer powering Ethereum’s transition to ERC-4337 smart accounts ProjectName: Due, funding: $3.3M, round: Seed Category: Payments RelatedLinks: https://x.com/due_network/status/1721815601809686677 LeadInvestors: Semantic,Fabric Ventures Investors: BlockTower Capital,Speedinvest,Polymorphic Capital ,Discovery Ventures Introduction: global payments by leveraging blockchain rails and stablecoin liquidity ProjectName: Stablr, funding: $3.5M, round: Seed Category: DeFi RelatedLinks: https://x.com/TheBlock__/status/1721800940829761603 Investors: Deribit,Maven11,Theta Capital,Folkvang,Blocktech Ventures Introduction: Euro-backed stablecoins
This indicator broadcasts a daily tracking of the financing of quality projects.

