Quality Project Financing Tracking

Feb 09,2024
in the past 1 day, 3 projects have completed a total of $13.7M financing: ProjectName: Superform Labs, funding: $6.5M, round: Seed Category: DeFi RelatedLinks: https://x.com/superformxyz/status/1755592417552826617 LeadInvestors: Polychain Capital Investors: Maven 11 Capital,BlockTower Capital,Circle Ventures,Arthur Hayes,Marc Bhargava,Avi Felman,Michael Bucella,Bryan Pellegrino Introduction: Universal Yield Marketplace ProjectName: Navi Protocol, funding: $2M, round: Strategic Category: DeFi RelatedLinks: https://x.com/LBank_Exchange/status/1755525287872167975 Investors: LBank Labs,OKX Ventures,Dao5,Hashed Introduction: Lending + LSDeFi on Sui ProjectName: Flood , funding: $5.2M, round: Seed Category: DEX RelatedLinks: https://x.com/TheBlock__/status/1755592345817403644 LeadInvestors: Bain Capital Crypto Investors: Archetype ,Robot Ventures Introduction: Dex aggregator
This indicator broadcasts a daily tracking of the financing of quality projects.

