Potential Public Chain Trend Tracking

May 27,2022
Fuse Network Wallet Addresses Approach 1.2 Million KingData News: On May 27, according to the official website of DeFi platform Fuse Network, the number of registered wallet addresses is close to 1.2 million, at 1,194,543 and 79,749,170 FUSEs have been staked as of today. The current TVL of Fuse Network is 6.43 million. Fuse Network is a blockchain-powered decentralized platform and technology stack that serves Token applications built on Ethereum PoS-compatible blockchain. There are currently five Defi projects deployed on Fuse, with Voltage, Beefy Finance, and Connext TVLs of $2.77M, $2.04M, and $1.29M, respectively.
This indicator finds potential public chains by analyzing multiple dimensions such as the TVL of the public chain, changes in TVL and the price of public chain coins, and finds the next public chain of 100 times coins.

