LI.FI Researcher: Evmos, Milkomeda, Moonbeam TVL All Drop Significantly after Nomad Attack

Aug 08,2022
KingData News: LI.FI researcher Arjun tweeted that Evmos, Milkomeda, and Moonbeam TVLs, which use Nomad as their primary cross-chain bridge, all dropped significantly after the attack on Nomad. As of August 6, Evmos TVL was down 76.7% (~$5 million), Milkomeda TVL was down 45.45% (~$12.4 million) and Moonbeam TVL was down 62.5% (~$125.5 million).
On August 2, crypto KOL 0xfoobar posted that the cross-chain solution Nomad had been hacked, and that WETH and WBTC were being transferred out at a rate of millions of dollars each, leaving $126 million in the contract potentially at risk.

